Above The Rim

Above The Rim

Museum show curated and creative directed by Phil America.

Minutes from the hometown and college locale of Michael Jordan, CAM Raleigh has set up a functional, immersive art installation titled Above the Rim, themed around the sport of basketball. The show opened October 3rd, 2019 and will wrap up as the NBA All-Star Game heads to North Carolina in nearby Charlotte. In addition to the interactive 3-on-3, site-specific half court piece by Felipe Pantone and soundscape by Eren Cannata, Above the Rim features 16 internationally renowned artists that use various mediums to communicate their message through the lens of basketball.

A half-size basketball court has been built inside CAM Raleigh, transforming the museum itself into a wildly colorful and immersive artwork. The museum will merge form and function into a setting that is at once fine art and a youth meeting point. Visitors are encouraged to play on the court, with racks of basketballs provided.

CAM Raleigh is located at the center of what has been called the “crossroads of the basketball universe” because of its close proximity to four of the top basketball schools in the US: Duke. Because of this, the city is basketball-obsessed. The works range across many themes, from race and class in America to the sheer joy and energy that the game inspires. The pieces are unified through their relationship to the sport, but work together to create a message that is provocative and inspiring. 

Above The Rim is curated by Phil America. A Los Angeles based artist, this is Phil America’s first curatorial work, after previous showing a solo exhibition at CAM Raleigh in 2015. Drawing from his love of basketball and his background in graffiti, he brings together a group of incredible artists including Felipe Pantone, Stephen Powers, Spok Brillor, Estevan Oriol, Eric Yahnker, Eren Cannata, Bryce Lankard, Kevin Bouton-Scott, Devin Troy-Strother, Dorian Lynde, Hank Willis Thomas, Kori Newkirk, David Leggett, Freehand Profit, Monica Kim Garza and Hueman.
